Self Improvement Project

This shows my chicks in their first home. They are standing on top of a heating pad covered in plastic. Chicks need constant temps around 90 degrees during their first weeks of life.

Shredded paper is used to create a non-slip surface for the chicks.

Hot water bottles are used to keep the chicks warm. They must have access to areas of 90 degrees the first weeks they are alive. They can stand decreases of 5 degrees per week they're alive. For example, they need 85 degree temps during their second week of life.

They have to have special types of water bottles so they don't drown themselves. These are leghorn hens.

The chicken tractor has clips to secure the door. This allows the door to be opened from the top or bottom, or you can remove it completely.

The chicken tractor is complete! All the sides and joints must be tightly wired together to prevent predators.

I had to cut down 19 trees here to allow sunlight to reach this area, where I plan on planting grapes. 19 trees taken down and transported to the brush pile.

One of eight fruit trees. The fence must be at least 6 ft tall to keep out the deer.