US History II

Meeting Times


Course Description

Course Syllabus

Welcome to American History II! I am excited to have the opportunity to work with you over the course of the semester. In American History II, we will study the wild west, emergence of cities, two world wars, Great Depression, social movements, and modern issues. We will examine all aspects of society including politics, economics, culture, and foreign affairs to understand the history of the United States. Equally as important, we will learn to read critically, write clearly, think broadly, and speak purposefully. Acquiring and improving each of these skills is necessary to become a productive citizen, and we will tackle these tasks in ways that are challenging but also exciting!

Class Rules: The classroom environment should be conducive to thinking, listening, and learning. In order to create this type of environment, you must abide by the following guidelines:

· Be in class and seated when the bell rings.

· Cell phones should be turned off and put away.

· Be attentive to me and your classmates when they are speaking.

· Use appropriate language and discuss only topics appropriate for school.

· Dispose of trash properly.

I adhere to school-wide policies regarding cell phones, electronic devices, and tardiness. For other behavioral infractions in the classroom, detention with me will be assigned.

Manifest Destiny Picture

Manifest Destiny

Magna Carta Picture

Magna Carta