Kathryn M Bailey


World Languages - French

Room 111

BHS Best High School image
picture of Kathryn M Bailey

Kathryn M Bailey

I grew up in Kings Mountain, North Carolina. I attended Appalachian State University as a North Carolina Teaching Fellow where I received a BS degree in French Education. I began my teaching career Henderson County before moving on to Transylvania County, and I am a National Board Certified teacher. My husband is Principal at Brevard Middle School, and we have two children, Lexi and Max.

Phone: 828-884-4103 Email: kmbailey@tcsnc.org

Degrees and Certifications:

B.S. French Education, Appalachian State University

Study Abroad, Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier, France

National Board Certification, EAYA, World Languages

BHS Teacher of the Year, 2018-2019

Google Educator 2 Certification


Class Schedule


1st - French II / Honors French IV (Independent)

2nd - French II

Lunch A

3rd - French I

4th - Planning


1st - French III / French V

2nd - French II

Lunch A

3rd - French I

4th - Planning

I&E Schedule

lundi: Devil's Den

mardi: français 3/5

mercredi: français 2

jeudi: français 1

*tutorial before / after school by appointment