about me

About Me

Contact Information

Phone: M-T (828) 862-4463 ext. 7105

W - F (828) 862-4431 

ext. 6007

Email: creese@tcsnc.org


Degrees & Certifications

North Greenville University Bachelors Degree in Elementary Education 

South Carolina Certified Educator 2-6

North Carolina Certified Educator K-6



Hi! I'm Candace Reese. I'm the EdTech Coach at Rosman and TC Henderson Elementary Schools. I'm here to support teachers with digital learning and technology!

I'm a native of Transylvania County. I attended TC Henderson Elementary and Rosman Middle / High School. I am excited to give back to the community that gave me so much! I taught for 3 years at Rosman Elementary (3rd and 4th grade) before accepting the EdTech Coach position. 

I am married with a 3 year old son, Howie James, and a little girl on the way!  In my "spare" time, I enjoy exercising, reading, and taking naps.