

                                                                    Tiffany Huynh 

Q: Editor-In-Chief, what is Yearbook to you?

A: Yearbook means everything and a lot to me. It is a class that I spend almost all of my personal free time at because it means a lot to me, as it’s just a welcoming and caring community. It helped me grow not only as a leader, or a student but as a person. it’s just my favorite class ever. It’s every day, where you’re learning something new and you’re building so many new skills, meeting so many new people, and building fond relationships. It’s overall such a welcoming experience. It feels so rewarding to be able to sit in the backroom and know that I- along with many others- am making such a beautiful creation. That experience alone is all because of yearbook. The biggest gift this class brings is the overwhelming joy that you get, seeing the faces of the editors and of everyone who helps build and create the ideas. So yearbook is truly a once and a lifetime experience it’s like winning the lottery, except you lose more money than you win. But that’s a good thing, just considering all of the trial and error you go through, but every trial and error has a success and that success makes up for the stress and the everything that goes on here. In conclusion, yearbook is life.”