Thespian Society Troupe 1989

Fall Thespian News

Earnest Flyer

Fall Show!

The "Importance of Being Earnest" will open November 17th at 7pm and close Novemeber 18th at 7pm. The show is directed by Gabe Rood, stage managed but Janielynn Fowler, and stars Logan Hislop as Jack, Jack Gresham as Algernon, Ryan Merrill as Gwendolyn, Chloe Koppel as Cecily, Alora Brooks as Mrs. Prism, Keirra Hall as Lady Bracknell, Samuel White as Chausible, Topher Peterson as Lane, and Jay Shultz as Merryman.

Group Photo from Artober Fest


Band, Choir, Visual Arts, and Theatre all came together to celebrate our programs in our first annual ARTober! We carved pumpkins, had a costume contest, ate yummy food, and watched an outdoor movie! We had a blast building community between all of the arts programs at BHS!

Witch and Child at Pumpkin Fest

Pumpkin Fest!

Another year in the books assisting the Friends of Silvermont in their annual fundraiser, Pumpkin Fest. Students painted faces and played a myriad of charactes from witches to pirates to ghosts to butterflies to circus barkers. We even had the Sanderson Sisters visit once a weekend. Thank you to the Friends of Silvermont for allowing us to volunteer and share our love of the arts with the community!

This year's officers are:

Photo of Officers