4th-5th Grade

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to change the world for good. The following activities you will learn about AI, machine learning, training data, and bias, all while exploring ethical issues and how AI can be used to address world problems. It's also just one example of how CS is about much more than coding. Enjoy this first step in a new journey to teach more about AI! Pick one of the following coding activities to begin thinking about #CSforGood.

AI Ocean Logo

AI for Oceans

CS First Code Hero

Code Your Own Hero

Imagine a World

Today’s students will be tomorrow’s problem-solvers, innovators, and decision-makers.

The more accessible CS education is, the more students we can reach and the more inclusive, diverse, and impactful tomorrow’s technology and solutions will be. In the following Flipgrid topic, answer the following question: Why is it important that everyone has access to learn computer science/coding?

Coding Projects

Hour of Code Choice Board 4-5 2019