Advocates for Student Privacy

Advocates for Student Privacy Teaches and promotes student data privacy through their instruction and role as educational leaders.

Here is what I am currently doing in this focus area: Creates and maintains student login information for students in the Library System and the Renaissance Learning Suite of products, MackinVia, and Tales2Go used across the school district. Teaching students how to log into and out of desktop and Chromebook devices.

Here is what I want to do in this focus area: Teach the need for students to protect their passwords, not stay logged into devices, and think about location and identifying information when posting online. Continue to maintain library login information and Accelerated Reader login information (as well as log in information for other literacy platforms) for students and faculty.Track the Acceptable Use and User Agreement forms in the Library Circulation system for easy retrieval.

Here are my goals for this year in this focus area: . Use data-mining to track Acceptable User and User Agreement forms. Continue teaching students to log out of devices and not save passwords to specific devices within the confines of the 5th/6th grade rotation and the 7th grade Fact Finding class. Review the topic with 7th and 8th grade English classes.

Here are my goals for next year and beyond in this focus area: Continue to keep updated the Acceptable User and User Agreement forms for students, library log in, Accelerated Reader login, and other required passwords for students and teachers. Continue to teach the need to not save passwords to devices and to log out of applications, beware of settings that allow others to see your physical location, and identifying information online.

Board Policy on Internet Safety and Acceptable Use