Backing Up Your Google and Microsoft Resources

Facilitator: Miguel Guhlin (@mguhlin) |

It's the end of the year and students and staff are getting ready to move on to their next learning space. How do you quickly gather up your online stuff in Google and Microsoft?

In this livestream, you'll learn how to get, save, or migrate your Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive resources. Don't lose any of your valuable resources!

Which path will you choose?

Today's topics

  • Two Roads Diverged....

  • Thoughts to Ponder and A Quick Poll

  • How to Backup

    • Backing Up From/To Google Drive

    • Backing Up From/To Microsoft OneDrive

  • Secure Your Data with Encryption

  • Final Thoughts

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Thoughts to Ponder

The percentage of computer owners backing up once a day or more often is 6% in 2018,” reports BackBlaze. Other statistics from the Harris Poll, conducted each year for the last eleven years:

About People

  • 20% of folks NEVER back up (31% for folks 65 and older)

  • 20% of folks make backups monthly

  • 25% of folks back up on annual basis

Other Stats

  • 76% have deleted something by accident.

  • 62% have lost data at some point.

  • 51% have had an internal or external hard drive crash.

  • 52% have lost access to their data.

  • 61% had a security incident (with 25% of those happening within the last year).

Making backups can be hard because it requires a small level of technical expertise and it can take time. You have to first know how to back up. Check out questions to the right.

  • Do you use a USB flash drive?

  • Do you back up to the cloud? Even with plenty of cloud solutions (e.g. Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive), most don’t back up.

  • How do you save documents to your hard drive?

  • How do you secure/encrypt your data?

A Quick Poll

Share a little about yourself, what you want to know, and what's happened to your data:

Worried about losing your bookmarks? Want to hop from one browser to another with all your favorites intact? Here’s a solution that doesn't depend on Google or Microsoft.

Pick Your Path