Virtual Learning Environment
Brightspace by D2L
Ministry of Education Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) powered by D2L's Brightspace
All K-12 public school teachers (at publicly-funded school boards) in Ontario have free access to Brightspace through Ontario’s VLE. This space can be used as an extension of your physical classroom through blended learning to facilitate classroom tasks and activities such as:
posting announcements, assignments and tasks documenting student learning
uploading and organizing your teaching resources
providing rich feedback
creating digital portfolios
integrating with Google Drive
option to access to Ministry subject and course material
Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)-Teacher Access
Teacher Login Instructions: The VLE login page is accessible through the or by clicking here, using your TCDSB login in username and password through the Login TCDSB Students & Faculty option.
VLE101 Course for Educators-Professional Learning
A Professional Learning course for those who are brand new to the VLE or are experienced users. The course has been designed to guide educators through some of the exciting features that the VLE has to offer, and support them in their blended and/or online learning journey. The VLE 101 course is available to all educators through the homepage, listed under "My Courses in Other Orgs", located under the Navigation Bar.
Webinar Series: Come together to learn together
This webinar series will help you discover new ways to use Brightspace during for remote instruction, including Teaching Movement and Arts Disciplines Online in a Time of Disruption .
D2L Educator Webinars:
An introduction to the D2L Brightspace environment for elementary and secondary educators. Learn about getting started in delivering learning online, an introduction to assessment, and providing rich and descriptive feedback.
D2L Privacy Center:
An overview of the Data Protection Program and D2L's approach to data privacy within the Brightspace platform.
Webinar Series: Ontario Ministry of Education Supporting Virtual Learning Webinar Sessions