next step prep - post-secondary decision making

Missed the session? Take your time to carefully review the information below:
(Hard copies of the pamphlet are available in the Guidance Office)

NSP: Post-Secondary Decision Making
NSP: Post Secondary Decision making Handout - 2024

The Grad Google Classroom is OPen!

Code: ciiqbuj

You must complete two Google Forms:

1) Scholarship & Awards Application 2) Grad Gown Order Form

review the grade 12 assembly! 

2023 Grade Level Assemblies - Grade 12

next step prep - post secondary fair

Missed the assembly? Take your time to carefully review the information below:
(Hard copies of the pamphlet are available in the Guidance Office)

NSP: Post Secondary Fair - 2023
NSP: Post Secondary Fair Handout - 2023

Stay up to date

Tips and tricks for planning for post-secondary:

graduation guide for students with an IEP

Univeristy programs across canada

international students applying to post-secondary

Take some time to plan how!

applying to U.S. Colleges

Applying for student loans

Learn more about how you can apply for  the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP)