( Grade 9 in September 2022)

IB Option Sheet 2022-23- SMCA Pre-IB 9.pdf

IB Course Selection Form for 2022-2023

Click on the image to the left to see course offerings.

NEW IB Fees 2022-2023.pdf

IB Fees

Please click on the image to the left to see IB fee information. This is separate from School Activity Fees.

Course Descriptions

Click on image to see the course descriptions.

Stay Connected ... join the Class of 2026 Google Classroom and REMIND

Class of 2026 GooGLE Classroom

The Class of 2026 google classroom is specific to IB students in your graduating class. Information posted there will be tailored to what is happening in your grade - special announcements about opportunities, activities, expectations and administrative tasks. Click on the tab below to join the google classroom.