The One And Only Ivan

*Introduction to the book. A graffiti wall based on the back blurb of the book. Some first thoughts and reactions.

Group Members: Blake, Lucas H., Andrew Pi, Van, Andrew Pl, Jaden, Eric, Stephen, Skye & Abrielle.

Reading schedule:

(Group 1: Andrew Pi, Jaden, Lucas H, Blake)

March 24 - pg. 30

March 31 - pg. 100

April 7 - pg. 170

April 13 - pg. 240

April 21 - pg. 317

Reading schedule:

(Group 2: Skye, Abrielle, Eric, Andrew Pl, Stephen)

March 24 - pg. 50

March 31 - pg. 110

April 7 - pg. 165

April 13 - pg. 230

April 21 - pg. 317

Week 1 Quotes - Ivan


“‘Relax Stella,’ I say. ‘It will be okay.’

‘Ivan,’ Stella says ‘it will never ever be okay,’ and I know enough to stop talking.”

“I was relieved to have my own place. Somehow I didn't realize I'd be here so long. Now I drink Pepsi, eat old apples, watch reruns on TV, but many days I forget what I'm supposed to be. Am I human? Am I a gorilla?”

“‘Stand back everyone!’ Mack yells ‘we've got a new arrival. This is Ruby folks. 600 pounds of fun to save our sorry butts. This gal is gonna to sell us some tickets.’”

“‘You’re not alone,’ I say, and I turn my gaze back to the racing grey clouds.”

“Before the circus I used to live with my mom and sisters and cousins. They're dead. Humans killed them.”

“‘There's a difference.’ Stella says gently, ‘between I can't remember and I won't remember.’”

“‘Hello’ says small clear voice. ‘I'm Ruby.’”

"In this tableau we are doing the part when Ivan is remember how his parents got killed and his dad tried to protect him and his sister." (Stephen)

"Abrielle and I are killing Ruby's family (Eric is Ruby and Andrew,Stephan are the family members.)Stephan got shot and Eric(ruby) is protecting the family member." (Skye)

"Skye and Abrielle are hunters shooting at Stella's family which is Stephan,Eric and Andrew. " (Andrew)

"Skye and me are humans trying to kill all of the baby elephant Ruby's family.Eric,and Stephen are family members of Ruby and Andrew.Pl. is Ruby." (Abrielle)

"In this scene i protect Andrew (Ruby) Sky and Abbrielle are the hunters and stephen is the hunted (Rubys mom." (Eric)

"Andrew( Mack) is letting Blake (Ruby) out of her cage while Van (Stella) is helping to coax out Ruby. Jaden (Ivan) is watching while Lucas(George) is sweeping the floor." (Lucas)

"In this tableau Andrew is playing ruby who just arrived, I am playing Stella who is coming to see ruby, Lucas is playing gorge who is sweeping the floor, Jaden is playing Ivan who is watching from his domain, and Blake is playing mack who is opening the crate so ruby can get out ." (Van)

"in this story im mack so im opening the cage lucas hall is moping the floor and jaden and van are wating for the new animal" (Blake)

"Andrew is Ruby.Blake is Mack.Lucas is Gorge.Van is Stella .Jaden is Ivan." (Jaden)

Still Wondering - Ivan