FAQs Frequency Asked Questions


I am not a TCDSB student, can I still use myBlueprint to choose my courses and plan for high school?

If your high school was outside the TCDSB  you can still use myBlueprint , but will need  wait until you are  pre-registered to the high school in TCDSB's SIS.

I can’t get into myBlueprint.  What should I do?

If you are a TCDSB student, please use your usual TCDSB login.  Please make sure you choose the correct school from the drop down menu.  Non-TCDSB student won't be able to use School Account Login, you will need to create your  myBlueprint account manually.  

Can I choose more than 8 classes?  Or less?

All Grade 9 students must take 8 classes and 2 alternates.

If I hand in my course selection earlier than someone else, does that mean that I will get into the class?

No.  Course selection is a process.  Timetables and courses are not assigned on a first come, first served basis.  Please make sure you choose your courses very carefully as changes are difficult or not possible to accommodate.  Also, make sure you choose TWO alternate courses in case you don’t get your first choice (s).

What courses do you need to take for your diploma?

Please see the document What Do You Need to Graduate? for Ontario Secondary School Diploma Requirements

MyBlueprint says to choose two alternates. If I leave it blank, does that mean I will definitely get the electives I chose?

The alternates are there in case we can’t get you into your first and/or second elective choices.  If you don’t fill out alternates, we will have to choose something for you.

Will I get both of my elective choices for sure?

Since electives are open level courses, the class sizes are a bit smaller.  We are not always able to give students their preferred choices for electives but we ALWAYS TRY.  Please make sure you choose alternates so that we know your backup preferences.

Can I take a mix of applied and academic(de-streamed) classes?

Yes you can!  Please discuss your level choices with your grade 8 teacher and parents. In grade 9 you will be taking De-streamed courses unless you have been recommended to take the Locally Developed courses by your parents/teachers. It will be possible to take some courses at the applied level and some at the academic level in grade 10.

Can I change from de-streamed or  academic to applied  or academic after Grade 9?

Yes you can -- this depends on your performance in the course, the recommendation of your teacher and overall plans for the future.  All level changes happen after consultation with your guidance counsellor, teacher and parents.  In some cases, changing levels will involve taking an extra course in summer school.  You can discuss your options with your  classroom teacher and your guidance counsellor.

What if I change my mind about a course I chose?

Please think very carefully about the choices you are making now.  We will create course sections based on the number of requests we get for those courses right now.  If people change their minds, it is likely that we will not be able to make the change you want.  Of course, we will try, but once a timetable is made, most electives will be full and changes usually cannot be accommodated. 

If you change your mind about a course, you cannot change it on myBlueprint after you already submitted your courses.  You will have to contact your guidance counsellor. Please find the appropriate guidance counsellor on the CONTACTS page of the SMCA Registration and Course Selection website.

I want to take a course at summer school.  What should I do?

If you would like to take the HIF Summer Transition Course, please fill out the form at the Summer Transition Course page.  If you plan to take a different summer school course, information will be available some time in late May and will be sent to your elementary school.  You should still choose 8 courses for next year and in the “Comments” before you submit your courses, just mention that you are planning to take a summer course.

We will be going away for July.  Can I still take the HIF course even if I will miss part of it?

If you would like to take the HIF Summer Transition Course, you must be prepared to attend every day throughout the session.  Depending on public health guidelines for the summer, if summer school is held in person, you will be expected to attend every day.  If classes are virtual, they will be offered sychronously and students must be available to participate in the synchronous sessions.

Is religion a required course?

All TCDSB students are required to take religion for all four years at SMCA.  If you accidentally forgot to add it to your course requests, we will add it for you and remove another elective choice.

What if I don’t have room in my choices for gym?

All students  are required to take a phys ed course for their diploma.  It is recommended that you complete your phys ed credit in Grade 9 but you can take a phys ed course in another year if you prefer.

What if I don’t have room in my choices for art?

All students required to take an art course for their diploma.  You can take an art course in another year if you prefer.

What if I don’t have room in my choices for a Tech course?

All students required to take a tech  course for their diploma.  You can take a tech course in another year if you prefer.

Is there only one Grade 9 math, English, science, geography and French course for academic and applied students now?

Yes, the Ministry of Education has de-streamed Grade 9 math, science, English, geography and french  for all grade 9s this year.  You can still choose (IBMath, Science, English, French, Geography, Religion ) if you were accepted into the IB Program. The courses end with the letter E; ENG1DE.  You can also sign up for the open french FSF101 if you have taken limited, or no french in elementary school.