For Educators

Ontario Curriculum and Resources 

Visit this ministry website for a variety of curriculum resources including sample lesson plans, changes to curriculum, and sample assessment evaluation rubrics. Click here to access.

Course Hero

Course Hero is an online learning platform. Here, students can access subject-specific content; educators can also upload learning materials and access a variety of teaching tools.  Click here to access. 

Edwin has put together a small slide deck presentation that contains helpful links specifically for language-based classes. Click here to access this slide deck. 


Edwin is an online learning platform which offers teachers access to a variety of learning materials and resources. Click here to access the Edwin website. When prompted to log-in, click on "Sign in with Microsoft" 

Subject to Climate

This website  contains numerous, free resources for both students and teachers. Content is focused on studying Climate Change through a variety of lenses . Click here to start exploring. 

Pathways is a collection of free educational resources about basic biomedical science and research careers, created through NIGMS' collaboration with Scholastic, Inc. These STEM and English language arts materials are designed for grades 6 through 12, and include student magazines, educator lesson plans, interactives, videos, and quizzes. All Pathways materials are available for free online.

Spots Illustrated - Kids

Geared toward junior students who are sports fans, the SI Kids website. Kids offers analysis of recent games, forecasts about the upcoming season, and fun sports trivia. The best part is it's all free! Click here to access the site.