Meet your Current Music Council

Music students apply for positions for the Executive Music Council at the beginning of the year and go through an interview process before being selected. Individual Grade and Ensemble reps are appointed early in the year and are part of the General Music Council

Arianne Tamayo


Samantha Pulleros

Vice President 

Elizabeth Koch

Vice President

Janelle Sagun

Senior Communications Officer

Remcy Guimban


Joanna Vetro

Senior Social Event Coordinator

Analisa Segreto-Moncayo

Vocal Student Relations

Gabrielle Damasco

Senior Vocal Lead  / Student Council Liasion

Bella Tangente

Vocal Outreach Planner

Grey Tsai

Website and Tik Tok Manager

Denise Gonzalez

Social Event Assistant

Isabel Rey

Junior Social Event Coordinator

Kayne Cadiena

Junior Vocal Lead

Minji Jung


Meah Olinares

Media Team

Arabella Bulatao

Media Team

Princess Herrera

Media Team

Lorraine Balguna

Media Team

Tera Rayo

Media Team

Dhana Respicio

Media Team