Dear parents, students, teachers, and the school community - welcome to the website where we will host information regarding extracurricular activities and events at St. Cecilia. To visit the official TCDSB St. Cecilia page, click this link -->

Here on this website, you'll find info about athletics (school sports teams, and intramurals), clubs, events, and other activities happening at St. Cecilia Elementary. This site will be updated by Mr. Caverhill and his Grade 8 students. Any questions, let us know - email

Below is an excellent single-take movie created by Mr. Thirlwall and our Student Council President Christopher Pennington, which shows most of the activities that take place at Saint Cecilia. Enjoy!

Saint Cecilia School- Extracurricular Activities

Saint Cecilia - Extracurriculars MOVIE (by Nic Thirlwall - 2017).mov
Saint Cecilia - TV Announcements (2017-2018)

This slideshow highlights weekly announcements that will be read over the PA system at school each morning. David and Rodrigo and Grade 8 are going to be updating this slideshow, and playing it on the TV by the office each morning, but it will also be synced here. Check back each weke for updates!

If you would like to add an announcement to the slideshow, please email and he will forward it along to the team. If you are a teacher, you can add announcements directly to the slides - ask Mr. Caverhill how!

Here you'll see a list of which teachers are responsible for the different committees, teams, clubs, and events at the school.

This list is always being updated, but we will keep it as current as possible.

Saint Cecilia - Student Activities, Clubs, Teams, Intramurals and Staff Committees signup (2017-2018)