gender justice

Teacher Contacts: Ms. Arturi

Remind: @genderjust

Club Description: A group of students that discuss gender related issues and topics.

get lit Book club

Teacher Contact: Mr.McAlpine

Remind: xqth2wo

Club Description: A group that meets once every month or two to informally discuss a shared book experience. Our group will meet as a hybrid of in-person students as well as some who will be joining via Zoom.

GIVE club

Teacher Contact: Ms. A. Reid

Instagram: @wardgiveclub

Google Classroom: wjv4euf

Club Description: A group of students who come together to help the community through various initiatives.

green quest

Teacher Contact: Mrs. Bozek

Club Description: A group of students passionate about the environment and interested in raising awareness around environmental issues as well as participating in maintaining our school vegetable garden.


Teacher Contact: Ms. Arturi & Mr. Russo

Instagram: @mwgsa

Remind: @mwgsa

Club Description: A safe space for 2SLGBTQ+ students and student allies to come together to discuss all sorts of topics related to the 2SLGBTQ+ community.


Teacher Contacts:

Mrs. Sersanti & Mrs.Gintoli

Instagram: @mwsafeschools

Google Classroom: tjgxrxb

Club Description: Our club focusses on student leadership through healthy school initiatives. Some school wide events that our team has offered include healthy lunch & learn sessions, healthy bake sales and Health Action Week. We work with our Toronto Public Health Nurse and Safe & Accepting School Team to promote a healthy school community!


Please stay tuned for more information!