
Current courses at Trinity College Dublin

Entrepreneurial Finance (Flexible Executive MBA), Financial Markets and Institutions (JS), Introduction to Finance (SF)

Past courses

I. Trinity College Dublin: Introductory Finance (MSc), Financial Management (JS)

II. Technological University Dublin: Corporate Finance (MSc), Statistics (MSc), Finance for Strategic Decision Making (MSc.), Macroeconomics and International Finance (MSc), Financial Strategy (4th year), Business Finance (2nd year), Mathematics for Economics and Finance (2nd year), Finance 1 (1st year)Economics of Strategy (2nd year), Macroeconomics (2nd year), Introduction to Economics (1st year)

III. National University of Ireland, Maynooth (NUIM): Macroeconomics (MSc and 3rd year), Accounting and Finance (3rd year), Microeconomics (2nd year), Quantitative Analysis (1st year)

IV. University College Dublin: Business Analytics (3rd year), Econometrics (3rd year), Economics for Business (2nd year), Microeconomics (1st year), Macroeconomics (1st year)

V. Dublin City University: Global Economic Issues (MSc and MBA)