Research papers

My papers can also be found on my arXiv and Google scholar profiles.

Published or in press

4.  Random partitions under the Plancherel-Hurwitz measure, high genus Hurwitz numbers and maps, with Guillaume Chapuy and Baptiste Louf, to appear in Annals of Probability  arXiv:2206.11315 [math.CO]

3.  Interface fluctuations associated with split Fermi seas, in Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 57 085201 (2024), contribution to the special issue Limit Shapes and Fluctuations in Statistical Physics arXiv:2311.02056 [math-ph]

2.  Multicritical Schur measures and higher-order analogues of the Tracy-Widom distribution, with Dan Betea and Jérémie Bouttier, in Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry, 27 2 (2024) arXiv:2307.05303 [math.CO]

1. On TTbar deformations and supersymmetry, with Marco Baggio, Gabriele Tartaglino-Mazzuchelli and Alessandro Sfondrini, in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019 63  (2019) arXiv:1811.00533 [hep-th]

PhD thesis: New universality classes for random integer partitions, ENS de Lyon 2022. HAL thèses en ligne