Dublin University Swimming Club


Who are we?

Founded in 1897, DUSC is one of Trinity's oldest sporting clubs.  We are one of the university's largest and most active clubs, with many social events running throughout the year. We are a combined swimming and water polo club open to recreational, formerly competitive and competitive swimmers!

Join through our FIXR link found here

(We ask that you can swim a minimum of 4 lengths consecutively and have the ability to swim Freestyle, Backstroke and Breaststroke)

When do we train?

All of our training sessions take place in the Trinity Sport Centre at the following times:

Monday: 19:00-20:00 (Swimming)

Tuesday: 20:00-22:00 (Water Polo)

Wednesday: 19:00-20:00 (Swimming)

Thursday: 19:00-20:00 (Swimming), 20:00-21:00 (Water Polo)

Friday: 19:00-20:00 (Water Polo)

What does a typical session look like?


We have three tiers, each with two lanes based on speed, which you are free to move about. Our swimmers can train with those who are at their level. Our sessions consist of a warm-up, a skill set, a main set and then an activity for the last 10-15 minutes, usually relays or sprints. 

Water Polo

Our session begins with a warm-up usually consisting of lengths of head up front-crawl, egg beater leg kick and various agility skills. We then move on to ball work such as passing/shooting, then finishing off the session with some set pieces and a practice game. The pool is set to 2m in depth during our training so the ability to tread water is crucial.

What do I need for training?

Essentials: Swim hat, goggles, swim togs, towel

We recommend you bring a water bottle and a lock for the pool lockers

 What do we do outside the pool?

Aside from the obvious training and competitions, we are a very active club with many social events, from pub quizzes to post training pints! Check out our Instagram to see some past events. Also be sure to check out our TikTok page!