About US

We're glad you've decided to learn more! Here's what you can expect at any given worship service at the Church of Christ:

The Setting

On entering the building, you're sure to be welcomed by one or more members of the congregation. Our worship takes place in the auditorium, where you'll find rows of comfortable benches. If you need help finding a seat, an usher will be glad to assist.

The Singing

After a greeting is extended and the weekly announcements are shared, we begin our worship with a selection of hymns. The music and lyrics for each song are typically projected behind the stage to make it easy for us to sing together as a congregation. We worship using only a cappella music, encouraging one another and giving praise to our God and Savior (Eph. 5:19).

The Praying

The congregation at the Church of Christ believes in the power of prayer, so we offer a number of prayers during each worship service.

The Preaching

We believe in the inerrancy and wholeness of the Bible, and our preaching reflects that truth. The message of the hour is usually given by one of our full-time preachers, but we occasionally enlist the talents of other local (and not so local!) preachers. Lessons are bible-based and practical.

The Lord's Supper

The Lord's Supper, also called communion, is a special part of our worship to God. We observe this memorial each Sunday as the Apostles did (Acts 20:7) to remember Jesus Christ's sacrifice.

Trays filled with unleavened bread and cups of grape juice are passed throughout the congregation. Members eat of the bread and drink of the cup (1 Corinthians 11:23-25), passing the emblems down the row. This memorial is intended only for baptized believers–feel free to pass the trays if you don't wish to participate.

The Offering

An offering is collected each week (I Corinthians 16:1,2) after communion to support the work of the church. If you are not a member of the church do not feel obligated to give, please consider putting a visitors card or prayer request into the offering basket.

The Invitation

At the end of the worship service, the speaker of the hour will extend an invitation to the congregation. This gives those with a special need opportunity to come forward and make their need known. Our elders and minister will meet those who come forward to address the need and pray for the individual if necessary.

Responses to the invitation may include requests to be baptized, confession of sin, or placement of membership with the congregation. If one requests to be baptized, we usually sing a few songs while the individual changes into baptismal garments. We baptize by immersion (Acts 8:35-39; Romans 6:3,4; Colossians 2:12), for the forgiveness of sins (Acts 2:38) and entrance into Christ's body/church (Gal. 3:27).

The People

The family at the Church of Christ runs the full gamut in terms of people and personalities. God created each one of us a little different, and we celebrate those differences! We are unified by a common Savior, for a common goal! We want to be God's people. We want to be Christ's church. Though we as individuals fall short in so many ways (Rom. 3:23), we have hope in the transformative power of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and his Holy Word.

Join Us

3250 Rennie St.

Traverse City, MI 49686

Get in Touch

Email Us: welcome@tcchurchofchrist.com


10am - Morning Worship

11:05am - Bible Class

6pm - Evening Worship


6:30pm - Bible Study