Notebook Requirements

ACTE Regional & State Technology Fair

2018 Technology Project Notebook Guidelines

“Yikes!!! I need a project notebook?”

Why: To help tell your project’s story to the judge! The technology fair is a competition and your judge wants to see your finished work, and learn how and why you created your project. Your notebook may be hardbound or digital!

Follow these page guidelines:

1. Create a Title Page

What is the name of your project?

Who created it? You and/or Group Members

What category are you competing in?

What is your grade and competition level?

What software program(s) did you use to create your project?

2. Introduce Your Project

Why did you create your project?

What is the purpose of your project and why is it important?

What did you learn from making your project?

What will others learn from your project?

Explain any business uses your project may have?

Did you create the project for a school assignment?

If so, what was the assignment? Explain.

Did you have help with your project? If so, explain.

3. How Did You Make Your Project?

Describe how you created your project – what are the details? What type of technology did you use? Show examples of your work. If needed, draw a picture to explain. What lessons did you learn?

4. Where Did You Get Your Information?

List your sources for sounds, graphics, photographs, written information, etc. Cite any copyright permission obtained for any image or sound, etc.

5. Special requirements for each category:

Audio: What are the lyrics? Show your project storyboard and planning process.

Animation: Show your project storyboard and planning process.

Computer Project Programming: What software and compiler language did you use? Show copies of the source code, algorithms and any printed or screen generated output from the program. Write a narrative description of the program with purpose, organization chart, 5-step plan, flow chart, etc.

Digital Art: Show before and after photos of photography. State the camera specifics used when your photos were taken. Show your project planning process.

Hardware Modification: Explain the design specifics of your project. If using parts from a kit, who is the manufacturer? Show your project planning process.

Internet Applications: What is project Web address? Describe the application used. Provide copies of the project pages. Show your project planning process.

Multidimensional Design/3D Modeling: Show your project planning process and, at a minimum, a rough design of your project. Show how your original idea transformed into your final outcome.

Multimedia Presentations: Show your project storyboard (i.e. design and layout process on note cards, drawings, etc.) and planning process. Include copy of slides.

Productivity Design: Provide a copy of the final product or output and/or copy of the output with hidden codes and formulas revealed (as applicable).

Robotics: Provide a copy of the source code of computer interaction and schematics of hardware design. If using parts from a kit, list the manufacturer.

Video Production: Provide a copy of scripts, descriptions of all participants (videographer, script writer, editor, director, etc.) and show storyboard and project planning process. Explain the type of video, i.e. is it self-contained or part of a larger broadcast?

Web Site Design: Include copies of your webpage source coding, site/page plans; and web pages with graphics down through three levels of sub links, whether these links are from local (hard disk) sources or hyperlinks from outside source.

Technology Notebook Template