
March 1-8, 2025

This trip is hosted through Grace Ministries International. Here their primary base of operations is in the city of Nagarote where they have a church campus situated on several acres. GMI is expanding their reach in this area and has another missionary couple that will be joining the five person team that is already there later this year. GMI will also be planting a church in Dolores, Nicaragua about  1.5 hrs from Nagarote. 

$2,000 - $2,200 **Airfare will determine final price. 

$250 non refundable deposit

Payment Schedule

May 2024 - Deposit @ sign up 

July 25, 2024 - $487.50

August 26, 2024 - $487.50

October 24, 2024 - $487.50

January 2, 2025 - $487.50 (will adjust based on airline price)


Not Included


Potential Outreach Opportunities

Potential Off Day "Fun Day" Activities


 before September 9, 2025