

I am going to tell you a bit about why my ancestors came to New Zealand and what happened that might have caused them to migrate.

three little facts

Year they migrated: 1870

Where they came from: yorkshire England

Ancestors that migrated to New Zealand: Mary Ann and Matthew Bell

pull factors

Pull factor 1: It was at first based on obtaining profit from the new land

Pull factor 2: Many came to New Zealand because it was perceived as the land of economic opportunity. Others came seeking personal

freedom or relief from political and religious persecution.

So you might be wondering what “WHAT IS A PULL FACTOR!” They are a reason why the person came to New Zealand. Its like if you are in another country and you want to come here because it is safe and there is more land.

push factors

Push factor 1: people decided to move from England seeking personal freedom or relief from political and religious persecution.

Push factor 2: They were also fleeing from crop failure, land and job shortages, rising taxes, and the great 🥔POTATO FAMINE🥔.

Now you might be wondering again “WHAT IS A PUSH FACTOR!” They are when something is going really bad and you want to leave the country that you are in.


Now in conclusion i would say that my ancestors made a good choice coming to New zealand and leaving England in the 1870s. I learnt two new things. 1 pull factors and 2 push factors