Free Images : blockchain, bitcoin, bank, business, cash, coin ...

What is It?

JM COIN is the latest way for people around the world to store their cash. Its a great new way of exchange and comes at an affordable price.

How do I get a JM Coin?

$600 NZD/pm

Excluding GST and random charges, users only need to be paying $600 NZD a month to use a JM COIN!

50% in your will

At the abnormal chance that you might pass, all you need to do is sign in JM COIN into owning 50% of all your income and possessions, this is an easy task!

10% of children

Don't worry, we don't actually mean taking 10% or your child....

How are we as a business?

Reliability As A Business

At JM COIN we always wish to provide you with the truth, in this graph to the left you can see the overcoming profit that our company is making.


Nevertheless, we are currently sitting in a tough financial position. Just the casual 1.5 million dollars in debt.

What is it like with a JM COIN?


You know what makes us special here at JM COIN, you don't necessarily own the product. We act a safe to which your products is in. But imagine you don't know the passcode. And don't own the safe.

Learn the outside world

With our specialised plan, you will learn more in the outside world. Because you will live there, because you have a higher percentage chance of living there.