Languages Exam details

French and Spanish  AQA

Paper 1: Listening  

Recording controlled by the invigilator with built-in repetitions and pauses.

Each exam includes 5 minutes’ reading time at the start of the question paper before the listening material is played and 2 minutes at the end of the recording for students to check their work.


Paper 2: Speaking

7–9 minutes (Foundation tier) + 15 minutes' supervised preparation time

10–12 minutes (Higher tier) + 15 minutes' supervised preparation time

50 marks (for each of Foundation tier and Higher tier)

25% of GCSE


The format is the same at Foundation tier and Higher tier, but with different stimulus materials for the Role-play and the Reading aloud task. For the Photo card task, the same photos are used at both tiers.

Role-play – 10 marks (recommended to last between 1 and 1.5 minutes at both tiers)

Reading aloud task and short conversation – 15 marks (recommended to last in total between 2 and 2.5 minutes at Foundation tier and between 3 and 3.5 minutes at Higher tier)

Reading aloud task: minimum 35 words of text at Foundation tier and 50 words at Higher tier

Short unprepared conversation

Photo card discussion – 25 marks (recommended to last between 4 and 5 minutes in total at Foundation tier, and between 6 and 7 minutes in total at Higher tier)

Response to the content of the photos on the card (recommended to last approximately 1 minute at Foundation tier and approximately 1.5 minutes at Higher tier)

Unprepared conversation (recommended to last between 3 and 4 minutes at Foundation tier and between 4.5 and 5.5 minutes at Higher tier)

Paper 3: Reading

What's assessed

Understanding and responding to written texts which focus predominantly on the vocabulary and grammar at each tier

Inferring plausible meanings of single words when they are embedded in written sentences

Translating from Spanish into English

How it's assessed

Written exam: 45 minutes (Foundation tier), 1 hour (Higher tier)

50 marks (for each of Foundation tier and Higher tier)

25% of GCSE


Section A – reading comprehension questions in English, to be answered in English or non- verbally (40 marks)

Section B – translation from Spanish into English, minimum of 35 words at Foundation tier and 50 words at Higher tier (10 marks)

Paper 4: Writing

Paper 4: Writing

What's assessed

How it's assessed


Foundation tier

Higher tier