Week Seven - Learning Tasks



This week we are going to focus on 'Place Value'

This game looks at making numbers with blocks, just like we were learning before the holidays.


Place value follow up activity

Activity number 2

Odd/even Activity

Practice your before/ after numbers e.g. what number comes after 9? 39? 139? 1139? Make a game for someone in your family to play

  • Practice skip counting forwards and backwards in 2s,5s and 10s. Use this hundreds board to help you.


You have now more than likely run out of reading books. We will be now using online readers over the next few weeks. These books are going to be used for all reading levels. There is both the book that can be read or it can be listened too.

Jack and the Beanstalk

Dragons! Dragons! Dragons!

: Will They Float?

Click on the BOX that says TEXT

Get someone at home to ask you questions about what you are reading.

Use your inference skills to answer these questions.


Procedure writing. Step by Step instructions
Can you tell me the steps to brushing your teeth, from getting out your tooth brush to putting the tooth paste on your brush

Making breakfast or lunch. What is it? What were the different steps eg a peanut butter and jam sandwich, what goes on first.
What other things can you write a set of step by step instructions for?


  • Find 5 compound words in your books- Write them down and put them into a new sentence. e.g. Butter/ fly- The butterfly is up in the sky. (Compound word- 2 words that make 1. eg, dragon+fly=dragonfly)

  • Find 5 adjectives (describing words) in your books and use them in a sentence. Complete this description activity if you would like to.

  • Practice your spelling words using some of these fun ideas.

  • Get someone in your home to test your spelling at the end of the week

  • If you get any wrong, relearn them the following week along with new words to learn (up to 10 words per week in total)


It is conservation week.

Conservation Week/Te Wiki Tiaki Ao Tūroa

The department of conservation has create a set of activities and competitions . What ones can you complete? https://www.doc.govt.nz/news/events/competitions/

Lego buliding https://www.doc.govt.nz/news/events/competitions/build-wellingtons-heritage...-in-lego/

Outside activities: https://www.doc.govt.nz/news/events/competitions/kids-outside-competition/

Look at becoming a kiwi guardia


Daily Challange

-Make a catapult using things you can find around your house. Here is one idea… What could you use to make yours? I can’t wait to see your finished products!

Watch the ‘How to grow a Rainbow’ video and complete your own rainbow growing experiment. Write the steps out and get someone in your family to do it too.

Create a a-z photo alphabeat.


  • Spend 10 minutes each day in a quiet place. Centre yourself - straight spine, soft belly. Make sure you are comfortable.

  • Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Just like we do in class. Focus on each breath and track it as it goes in and out. Notice your breathing and remember that if your mind wanders, you just silently say ‘wandering’ and bring all your attention back to your breathing.

  • Let yourself sit, breathe and just ‘be’’.

  • Doing this each day will help you stay calm, relaxed and peaceful - just like it does in class!

Learning Through Play & Life Skills

  • Outdoor Scavenger hunt:

Find something that makes a crunch sound.

Find something that smells good.

Find something that smells yuck.

Find 3 of the same things.

Find something that tastes sweet.

Find something that makes a loud sound.

Find something that is soft.

Find something that is hard.