Welcome to Weaverville Elementary School & Trinity Preparatory Academy

Independent Study Program


Things To Know:

Application Submission Dates: 

For students who plan to enroll in independent study for more than 15 consecutive school days.

Enrollment Process:

Upon completion of the Independent Study Written Agreement, the supervising teacher will notify the school registrar of the student's change of placement.


2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR


Disenrolling Process:

A student may be disenrolled from the independent study program for chronic absences/disengagement as determined by an Evaluation Meeting.



Our Independent Study Families:

"I chose independent study because my son was adopted and did not have a stable first five years. He had been in many foster homes. I felt like bonding, love and security were most important for him in his young life. Independent study allowed us one on one time together.  It was the perfect solution for our family.  Independent study through Weaverville Elementary School is perfect for our family. They are there for us when we need help working through the daily challenges of school work.  Mrs. Geist has been a blessing in her patient caring ways.  I highly recommend this for those wanting to be involved in their children's learning years." - M.V.

Please know that we are here to support your family and your success. 

Helping you accomplish your goals is our priority!