Junior Team
Online Learning


This online site contains a range of learning activities Junior aged children can complete remotely.

Please only cover what you can at home - there is no pressure from school to do formal learning at home. 

Take care everyone.

Briar, Emma, Fiona Brown, Jana, Jenna,  Michaela, Pam and Sarah

 Junior Team Teachers

Briar Parker bparker@tauranga.school.nz (Room 17)

Emma Hyett      ehyett@tauranga.school.nz (Room 13)

Fiona Brown              fbrown@tauranga.school.nz (Room 14)

Jana Smith                  jsmith@tauranga.school.nz (Room 12)

Jenna Batista            jbatista@tauranga.school.nz (Room 11)

Michaela Murray   mmurray@tauranga.school.nz (Room 15)

Pam Wilkins (Team Leader)

             pwilkins@tauranga.school.nz (Room 19)

Links for Parents

Mental Health - COVID-19 is changing our daily lives. It’s important to look after our wellbeing and the wellbeing of our whānau and community as we get through this – together.

Visit this site for more information about how to look after your mental health during this time - https://www.mentalhealth.org.nz/get-help/covid-19

Government COVID-19 Site - For up-to-date information from the NZ Government.