THS band is more than just music

By Nayla Brito

Did you know that participating in a school band can make you a better person and improve your self esteem? It can improve your cognitive development, socialization, and stress levels.

Two THS students exemplify this phenomenon: Frederick Baez and Naomi Brito. Baez plays the clarinet and Brito plays oboe and flute. Both students are in symphonic band and are in eleventh grade.

Both students have played in the Taunton Band band program for many years.

¨Freshman year,¨ Frederick responded.

¨Fifth grade,¨ Brito replied.

Both students say band participation has many benefits.

¨Being able to cooperate with others to contribute to something greater and learning to take initiative,¨ Brito said.

¨Band taught me how to be humble,¨ Baez also commented.

Both students agreed that band participation had impacted their lives.

¨Most of my friends are in band,¨ Brito countered.

¨Friendships and having similar interests. I found some of my closest friends through band and created lifelong memories. It also ignited my competitive spirits,¨ Baez said.

Both responses definitely proved one thing - school bands did improve socialization.

As far as improving their academic performance, Baez stated that it had not affected him much, while Brito said that it ¨helped break up the semester¨ so that she had ¨one class that focuses more on creativity than intelligence.¨

Another life lesson learned: hard work pays off. And another social outlet.

¨It's allowed me to create most of my strongest relationships,¨ Brito explained.

¨It humbled me and increased my drive to better because you want to sound as good as the older kids which causes you to try your best to sound like them,¨ Baez said.

Their advice for those who would like to join band:

¨Practice and have confidence when you play,¨ Naomi countered.

¨To enjoy it and that it's an experience that you won't forget. You get to meet so many incredible people that share common interests and create lifelong friendships, and you create a more personal relationship with your teachers,¨ Baez said.

There is no doubt that school bands have been effective in benefiting students socially, academically, and cognitively. Not only does it give students a creative outlet and expose them to music, but it provides them with valuable morals and life lessons. It is a lot more than just playing an instrument.