Facts about

childhood cancer

Types Of Cancer

  • Carcinoma is a cancer that starts in the skin or the tissues that line other organs.

  • Sarcoma is a cancer of connective tissues such as bones, muscles, cartilage, and blood vessels.

  • Leukemia is a cancer of bone marrow, which creates blood cells.

  • Lymphoma and myeloma are cancers of the immune system.

  • Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that develops when melanocytes (the cells that give the skin its tan or brown color) start to grow out of control.

Basic Facts about Childhood cancer

  1. The average age of a childhood cancer diagnosis is 6 years old.

  2. 80% of childhood cancer patients are diagnosed in a late stage of the disease.

  3. Childhood cancer diagnoses have increased by 24% over the last 40 years.

  4. Two-thirds of childhood cancer patients will suffer chronic health problems.

  5. In 2 decades, only four new drugs have been approved by the FDA specifically for childhood cancer.

Facts from the WHO About Childhood Cancer:


  • Each year about 400,000 children (ages 0-19) are diagnosed with cancer.

  • The most common types of Childhood Cancer are:

    • Leukaemia

    • Brain Cancers

    • Lymphomas

    • Solid Tumours (like Neuroblastoma and Wilms)

  • In low and middle-income countries less than 30% of children with cancer are cured.

  • About only 29% of low-income countries report that they are able to access Childhood Cancer medicines in comparison with the 96% of high-income countries that can access medicine for Childhood Cancer.