Google Account Information

Your Google email address is your username followed by

Your school username is the number 20 followed by your intial and then your surname.

For example if you were called Tom Smith your username would be 20TSmith so your email would then be

Your password will be the word Password followed by your date of birth.

For Example if you were born on 25th December 2009 your password would be Password251209

Click the icons below to launch the application you want


This is for your emails

Google Classroom

This is where you will be set homework and can ask your teacher questions

Google Drive

This is where your work is saved so that you can access it both at home and in school

Google Docs

This is Google's version of Word

Google Sheets

This is Google's version of Excel

Google Slides

This is Google's version of PowerPoint

User Guides for Google

Going Google - Student Training Booklet.docx

Students Guide to Google Classroom

2020 Parents' Guide to Google Classroom - Y72020.pdf

Parents Guide to Google Classroom