Tarbiyah Academy Middle School Student Life


Welcome to the TA Middle School Student Life website! This is your one-stop-shop to find all the necessary information related to our Middle School Program!

Meet Your Teachers!

Mrs. Abbasi

MS Coordinator & Science Teacher

8th Grade Homeroom

Mr. Ahmed

MS Student Affairs Coordinator, Social Studies & Skills Teacher

7th Grade Homeroom

Mr. Hesham

Arabic & ELA Teacher (6 & 7)

6th Grade Homeroom

Mrs. Ilyas

ELA Teacher (8th Grade)

Mrs. Wahba

MS Math Teacher

Mrs. Ibrahim

AQI Teacher (8th Grade)

Mr. Ouamamu

Quran & Islamic Studies Teacher (6 & 7)

Ms. Siddiqui

MS Visual Arts Teacher

Middle School Daily Schedule

Grade 6 2022-2023 updated sept 6th.pdf
Grade 7 2022-2023 updates sept 6th.pdf
Grade 8 2022-2023 updated sept 6th.pdf

Middle School Homework Schedule

Grade 6 Homework Schedule 2022-2023.pdf
Grade 8 Homework Schedule 2022-2023.pdf
Grade 7 Homework Schedule 2022-2023.pdf