2nd Grade Overview

Language Arts:

This year, your child will continue to use the Fundations and Wonders programs to learn how to:


This year in our GOMath program, your child will learn:


Here are some of the things we will learn in science this year:

Social Studies:

Social studies will introduce your child to:


Your child may have reading and math homework M-Th each week.  They will practice math skills that are taught during that day’s class lesson.  They will also practice reading fluency and comprehension with stories that are sent home each Monday.  All homework will be sent home in the travel folder. 

Class Dojo

If you haven’t done so yet, please take a moment to sign up for Class Dojo.  It is here that you will get classroom updates, see pictures of amazing things we are doing, and keep track of how your child is doing each day.

Caption for an image of your class