Welcome to the 2nd week of FRC Torbotics 2080's NASA ASTRO CAMP. Each time you look up at the night sky, know that there are people living up in space right at that same moment. With the best view of Earth, these astronauts and cosmonauts are conducting tremendously valuable research on board the International Space Station (ISS). 2020 marks the 20th year of continuous ISS operation. At any given time, there are anywhere from three to nine space explorers living and working on the ISS. There is a lot to be learned from their perspective in looking back at earth while also continuing vital research to prepare for humans to build a permanent presence on the moon and eventually Mars. This week we will highlight some of that insight.

AC Week 2 Camp Letter

We Are Going!...with NASA science!

NASA is sending astronauts to the moon! Learn how.

Taking a Virtual Tour of NASA one Center at a time.

Johnson Space Center

Johnson Space Center has served as a hub of human spaceflight activity for more than half a century. It is home to the nation’s astronaut corps, the ISS mission operations, the Orion crew and a host of future space developments.

Armstrong Flight Center

Armstrong is NASA’s primary center for high risk, atmospheric flight research center and test projects. The center has the facilities and requisite expertise to conceive, design, analyze, fabricate, integrate , maintain and conduct disciplinary research, flight research and test flight on modified or unique research vehicles and systems. Armstrong’s strength is in integration of complex developmental systems.

Kennedy Space Center

Kennedy Space Center has been NASA’s primary launch center of human space flight. Additionally, the center also manages launch of robotic and commercial crew missions.


AC Week 2 Activity Log