Hiya! Im 16 years old and in art IV :)

When it comes to my art I very much like to draw, paint and marker floral matter such as flowers and landscapes(sort of). I also enjoy using markers and color pencils to create animals or just mashup of objects. My favorite media(s) to work with is alcohol markers, color pencils and acrylic paint :P

With my art it usually has some background meaning, weather it being my friends favorite flower or animal that I was asked to draw or a picture of a milestone in someone's life. I don't create meaningless art because if you do something it has to have some type of meaning.

My future plans consist of going to Loyola University in New Orleans to Bachelor in Forensic Chemistry and to enlist into the Army National Guard to become a air combat medic. As far as taking art I'm considering it as a minor whenever I go off to college and I'll sure continue to do commission work :D

About you!

Favorite Subject: History or Science

Describe yourself in three words: Chaotic, Vocal, Strong

Favorite band/musician: Khai dreams

Favorite quote: "Do you remember who you were before the world told you what you should be?"

The person you most admire: My sister and my father (honorable mention Rayna Myers)

The thing you're most proud of: My self growth