
Hello! I will be joining the Department of Chemistry in the College of Art & Science at University of Tennessee as an Assistant Professor in 2024 Fall.

I am looking for graduate students and postdocs with interests that align with our research focuses in atmospheric chemistry and climate change!

Ziying (Nancy) Lei

Assistant Professor of Chemistry


Education: B.S. Guilin University of Technology, 2015; M.S. The Ohio State University, 2016; Ph.D. University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2021

Nancy's research is centered on the detailed physicochemical characterization of atmospheric aerosol particles and their ice nucleation ability, employing cutting-edge microscopic and spectroscopic methods. Currently, she serves as a Co-Principal Investigator on a Department of Energy-funded project. Her goal is to understand the physical properties and chemical composition of aerosol particles collected during the TRACER (Tracking Aerosol Convection Interactions Experiment) Field Campaign.