About Us


The mission of the Sport eXperience Management Lab is to research and analyze various sporting experiences in order to provide solutions for societal and economic progress.  

Taking an interdisciplinary approach, and by combining psychometric, biometric, and data analytic measures, we seek to answer fundamental questions about sporting experiences.

Our lab motto is "청출어람 청어람(靑出於藍 靑於藍)", literally meaning that the dye extracted from a green indigo leaf has a far more brilliant blue color. It is a widely used metaphor in Far East Asia that students should surpass the teacher. We emphasize that everyone in our lab should be an"indigo" teacher for the next generation of scholars.


Hyun-Woo Lee

Assistant Professor in the Division of Sport Management at Texas A&M University

Former Race Car Driver and Marketing Director at Synchro-G Racing Team

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Current Students

Kun chang

Doctoral Student (Co-chair: Dr. Gregg Bennett)

Dong-hyun kim

Doctoral Student


Doctoral Student

Lab Alumni


M.S & B.A.

Visiting Scholar