

Wolny, J.L., T.A. Egerton, S.M. Handy, W.L. Stutts, J.L. Smith, E.B. Whereat, T.R. Bachvaroff, D.W. Henrichs, L. Campbell, and J.R. Deeds. 2020. Characterization of Dinophysis spp. (Dinophyceae, Dinophysiales) from the mid-Atlantic region of the US. Journal of Phycology 56: 404-424

Henrichs, D.W., M.C. Tomlinson, L. Campbell. 2020. Predicting bloom initiation on the Texas (USA) coast: Combining satellite imagery with an individual-based model. In: Hess, P. (Ed) Harmful Algae 2018 – from ecosystems to socioecosystems. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Harmful Algae. International Society for the Study of Harmful Algae and Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO.

Fiorendino, J. M., J. L. Smith, and L. Campbell. 2020. Growth response of Dinophysis, Mesodinium, and Teleaulax cultures to temperature, irradiance, and salinity. Harmful Algae 98: 101896. doi: 10.1016/j.hal.2020.101896

Henrichs, D.W., S. Anglès, C.C. Gaonkar, and L. Campbell. 2020. Application of a convolutional neural network to improve automated early warning of harmful algal blooms. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (submitted)

Fiorendino, J.M., C.C. Ganokar, D.W. Henrichs, K.M. Thyng, and L. Campbell. 2020. Coastal plankton community composition and diversity after a massive flooding event: the response to Hurricane Harvey. Limnology & Oceanography (submitted)


Shultz, D., L. Campbell, and R. Kudela. 2019. Trends in Dinophysis abundance and diarrhetic shellfish toxin levels in Califoria mussels (Mytilus californianus) from Monterey Bay, California. Harmful Algae 88: 101641

Anglès, S., A. Jordi, D.W. Henrichs, and L. Campbell. 2019. Influence of coastal upwelling and river discharge on the phytoplankton community in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico. Progress in Oceanography 173: 26–36.

Selected Recent Publications

Campbell, L., D.W. Henrichs, E.E. Peacock, J. Futrelle and H.M. Sosik. 2017. Imaging FlowCytobot provides novel insights on phytoplankton community dynamics. In: Proenca, L. A. O. and Hallegraeff, G. (eds). Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Harmful Algae. International Society for the Study of Harmful Algae and Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO 2017. ISBN 978-87-990827-6-6.

Henrichs, D.W., R.D. Hetland and L. Campbell. 2015. A spatially explicit individual-based model to identify origins of blooms of the toxic dinoflagellate Karenia brevis in the western Gulf of Mexico. Ecological Modelling 313:251-258 doi: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2015.06.038

Anglès, S., A. Jordi and L. Campbell. 2015. Responses of the coastal phytoplankton community to hurricanes revealed by high-frequency imaging flow cytometry. Limnology & Oceanography 60(5): 1562-1576 doi: 10.1002/lno.10117

Harred, L.B. and L. Campbell. 2014. Predicting harmful algal blooms: A case study with Dinophysis ovum in the Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Plankton Research 36(6): 1434–1445 doi:10.1093/plankt/fbu070.

Campbell, L., D.W. Henrichs, R.J. Olson and H.M. Sosik. 2013. Continuous automated imaging-in-flow cytometry for detection and early warning of Karenia brevis blooms in the Gulf of Mexico. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 20:6896-902 doi 10.1007/s11356-012-1437-4.

Henrichs, D.W., P.S Scott, K.A. Steidinger, R.M. Errera, A, Abraham and L. Campbell. 2013. Morphology and phylogeny of Prorocentrum texanum sp. nov. (Dinophyceae): a new dinoflagellate from Gulf of Mexico coastal waters exhibiting two distinct morphologies. Journal of Phycology. 49:143-55 doi 10.1111/jpy.12030.

Henrichs, D.W., M.A. Renshaw, J.R. Gold and L. Campbell. 2013. Population-genetic structure of the toxic dinoflagellate Karenia brevis from the Gulf of Mexico. J. Plankton Res. 35:427-32. doi 10.1093/plankt/fbs103.

Campbell, L., R.J. Olson, H.M. Sosik, A. Abraham, D.W. Henrichs, C.J. Hyatt and E.J. Buskey. 2010. First harmful Dinophysis (Dinophyceae, Dinophysiales) bloom in the US is revealed by automated imaging flow cytometry. Journal of Phycology 46(1): 66-75. doi 10.1111/j.1529-8817.2009.00791.x

Selected Publications- Transcriptomics

Keeling, P. J., F. Burki, H.M. Wilcox, B. Allam, E.E. Allen, L.A. Amaral-Zettler, E.V. Armbrust, J.M. Archibald, A.K. Bharti, C.J. Bell, B. Beszteri, K.D. Bidle, C.T. Cameron, L. Campbell, D.A. Caron, R.A. Cattolico, J.L. Collier, K. Coyne, S.K. Davy, P. Deschamps, S.T. Dyhrman, B. Edvardsen, R.D. Gates, C.J. Gobler, S. J. Greenwood, S.M. Guida, J.L. Jacobi, K.S. Jakobsen, E.R. James, B. Jenkins, U. John, M.D. Johnson, A.R. Juhl, A. Kamp, L.A. Katz, R. Kiene, A. Kudryavtsev, B.S. Leander, S. Lin, C. Lovejoy, D. Lynn, A. Marchetti, G. McManus, A.M. Nedelcu, S. Menden-Deuer, C. Miceli, T. Mock, M. Montresor, M.A. Moran, S. Murray, G. Nadathur, S. Nagai, P.B. Ngam, B. Palenik, J. Pawlowski, G. Petroni, G. Piganeau, M.C. Posewitz, K. Rengefors, G. Romano, M.E. Rumpho, T. Rynearson, K.B. Schilling, D.C. Schroeder, A.G.B. Simpson, C.H. Slamovits, D.R. Smith, G.J. Smith, S.R. Smith, H.M. Sosik, P. Stief, E. Theriot, S. Twary, P.E. Umale, D. Vaulot, B. Warwrik, G.L. Wheeler, W.H. Wilson, Y. Xu, A. Zingone and A.Z. Worden. 2014. The Marine Microbial Eukaryote Transcriptome Sequencing Project (MMETSP): Illuminating the functional diversity of eukaryotic life in the oceans through transcriptome sequencing. PLoS Biology 12(6): e1001889. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.1001889

Ryan, D.E., A. Pepper and L. Campbell. 2014. De novo assembly and characterization of the transcriptome of the toxic dinoflagellate Karenia brevis. BMC Genomics 15:888 doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-888

Selected Publications- Picoplankton

Campbell, L., M.R. Landry, J. Constantinou, H.A. Nolla, S.L. Brown, H. Liu and D. A. Caron. 1998. Response of microbial community structure to environmental forcing in the Arabian Sea. Deep-Sea Research II, 45 (10/11): 2301-2325.

Fuhrman, J. and L. Campbell. 1998. Microbial Microdiversity. News and Views. Nature. 393:410-411 ( 4 June 1998)

Liu, H., H.A. Nolla and L. Campbell. 1997. Prochlorococcus growth rate and contribution to primary production in the equatorial and subtropical North Pacific Ocean. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 12: 39-47.

Campbell, L., H. Liu, H.A. Nolla and D. Vaulot. 1997. Annual variability of phytoplankton and bacteria in the subtropical North Pacific Ocean at Station ALOHA during the 1991-1994 ENSO event. Deep-Sea Research 44(2): 167-192.

Campbell, L., H.A. Nolla and D. Vaulot. 1994. The importance of Prochlorococcus to community structure in the central North Pacific Ocean. Limnology & Oceanography 39(4): 955-961