Matthew A. Papanikolas
Department of Mathematics
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843
List of Publications
Convolutions of Goss and Pellarin L-series (with W.-C. Huang)
submitted for publication, 62 pages. [ PDF | arXiv ]A note on log-algebraicity on elliptic curves (with W.-C. Huang)
submitted for publication, 12 pages. [ PDF | arXiv ]Function field analogue of Shimura's conjecture on period symbols
(with W. D. Brownawell, C.-Y. Chang, and F.-T. Wei)
submitted for publication, 68 pages. [ PDF | arXiv ]Equidistribution of Gross points over rational function fields (with A. El-Guindy, R. Masri, and G. Zeng)
submitted for publication, 20 pages. [ PDF | arXiv ]Hyperderivatives of periods and quasi-periods for Anderson t-modules (with C. Namoijam)
Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 302 (2024), no. 1517, v+121 pp. [ Journal | arXiv ]Effective rigid analytic trivializations for Drinfeld modules (with C. Khaochim)
Canadian Journal of Mathematics 75 (2023), no. 3, 713-742. [ Journal | arXiv ]Hyperderivative power sums, Vandermonde matrices, and Carlitz multiplication coefficients
Journal of Number Theory 232 (2022), 317-354. [ Journal | arXiv ]t-Motives: Hodge Structures, Transcendence and Other Motivic Aspects
(ed. with G. Böckle, D. Goss, and U. Hartl)
European Mathematical Society, EMS Series of Congress Reports, Vol. 16, Zürich, 2020, 473 pp. [ Volume ]A rapid introduction to Drinfeld modules, t-modules, and t-motives (with W. D. Brownawell)
t-Motives: Hodge Structures, Transcendence, and Other Motivic Aspects,
European Mathematical Society, Zürich, 2020, pp. 3-30. [ Volume | arXiv ]An effective criterion for Eulerian multizeta values in positive characteristic
(with C.-Y. Chang and J. Yu)
Journal of the European Mathematical Society 21 (2019), no. 2, 405-440. [ Journal | arXiv ]The de Rham isomorphism for Drinfeld modules over Tate algebras (with O. Gezmiş)
Journal of Algebra 525 (2019), 454-496. [ Journal | arXiv ]Log-algebraic identities on Drinfeld modules and special L-values (with C.-Y. Chang and A. El-Guindy)
Journal of the London Mathematical Society 97 (2018), no. 2, 125-144. [ Journal | arXiv ]Special L-values and shtuka functions for Drinfeld modules on elliptic curves (with N. Green)
Research in the Mathematical Sciences 5 (2018), 5:4, 47 pp. [ Journal | arXiv ]Theta operators, Goss polynomials, and v-adic modular forms (with G. Zeng)
Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux 29 (2017), no. 3, 729-753. [ Journal | arXiv ]A finite field hypergeometric function associated to eigenvalues of a Siegel eigenform (with D. McCarthy)
International Journal of Number Theory 11 (2015), no. 8, 2431-2450. [ Journal | arXiv ]Identities for Anderson generating functions for Drinfeld modules (with A. El-Guindy)
Monatshefte für Mathematik 173 (2014), no. 4, 471-493. [ Journal | arXiv ]The Mahler measure of a Calabi-Yau threefold and special L-values (with M. D. Rogers and D. Samart)
Mathematische Zeitschrift 276 (2014), no. 3-4, 1151-1163. [ Journal | arXiv ]Explicit formulas for Drinfeld modules and their periods (with A. El-Guindy)
Journal of Number Theory 133 (2013), no. 6, 1864-1886. [ Journal | arXiv ]Algebraic independence of values of Goss L-functions at s=1 (with B. A. Lutes)
Journal of Number Theory 133 (2013), no. 3, 1000-1011. [ Journal | arXiv ]Algebraic independence of periods and logarithms of Drinfeld modules
(with C.-Y. Chang and with an appendix by B. Conrad)
Journal of the American Mathematical Society 25 (2012), no. 1, 123-150. [ Journal | arXiv ]Algebraic relations among periods and logarithms of rank 2 Drinfeld modules (with C.-Y. Chang)
American Journal of Mathematics 133 (2011), no. 2, 359-391. [ Journal | arXiv ]Frobenius difference equations and algebraic independence of zeta values in positive equal characteristic
(with C.-Y. Chang and J. Yu)
Algebra & Number Theory 5 (2011), no. 1, 111-129. [ Journal | arXiv ]Algebraic independence of arithmetic gamma values and Carlitz zeta values
(with C.-Y. Chang, D. Thakur, and J. Yu)
Advances in Mathematics 223 (2010), no. 4, 1137-1154. [ Journal | arXiv ]Geometric Gamma values and zeta values in positive characteristic (with C.-Y. Chang and J. Yu)
International Mathematics Research Notices (2010), no. 8, 1432-1455. [ Journal | arXiv ]Tannakian duality for Anderson-Drinfeld motives and algebraic independence of Carlitz logarithms
Inventiones Mathematicae 171 (2008), no. 1, 123-174. [ Journal | arXiv ]On the torsion of Jacobians of principal modular curves of level 3^n (with C. Rasmussen)
Archiv der Mathematik (Basel) 88 (2007), no. 1, 19-28. [ Journal | arXiv ]A formula and a congruence for Ramanujan's τ-function
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 134 (2006), no. 2, 333-341. [ Journal | PDF ]Extensions of abelian varieties defined over a number field (with N. Ramachandran)
Journal of Number Theory 112 (2005), no. 2, 386-400. [ Journal | arXiv ]Determination of the algebraic relations among special Γ-values in positive characteristic
(with G. W. Anderson and W. D. Brownawell)
Annals of Mathematics 160 (2004), no. 1, 237-313. [ Journal | arXiv ]Combinatorics of traces of Hecke operators (with S. Frechette and K. Ono)
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 101 (2004), no. 49, 17016-17020. [ Journal ]Gaussian hypergeometric functions and traces of Hecke operators (with S. Frechette and K. Ono)
International Mathematics Research Notices (2004), no. 60, 3233-3262. [ Journal | PDF ]p-adic properties of values of the modular j-function (with K. Ono)
Galois Theory and Modular Forms, Dev. Math., 11, Kluwer, 2004, pp. 357-366. [ PDF ]Higher Weierstrass points on X_0(p) (with S. Ahlgren)
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 355 (2003), no. 4, 1521-1535. [ Journal ]A Weil-Barsotti formula for Drinfeld modules (with N. Ramachandran)
Journal of Number Theory 98 (2003), no. 2, 407-431. [ Journal | arXiv ]Universal norms on abelian varieties over global function fields
Journal of Number Theory 94 (2002), no. 2, 326-342. [ Journal ]Linear independence of Gamma values in positive characteristic (with W. D. Brownawell)
Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik 549 (2002), 91-148. [ Journal | arXiv ]Quadratic twists of modular forms and elliptic curves (with K. Ono)
Number Theory for the Millennium III (Urbana, IL, 2000), A. K. Peters, 2002, pp. 73-85. [ PDF ]Canonical heights on elliptic curves in characteristic p
Compositio Mathematica 122 (2000), no. 3, 299-313. [ Journal | arXiv ]