Gender Equity in the Mathematical Study (GEMS) of Commutative Algebra 2023

Photo of Emmy Noether (from Wikipedia)

We will hold the workshop Gender Equity in the Mathematical Study (GEMS) of Commutative Algebra at the University of Minnesota, November 10-12, 2023.  The workshop will focus on forming a community of women and non-binary researchers interested in commutative algebra by learning about specific topics in commutative algebra from a diverse group of prominent active researchers.

This workshop is organized by Christine Berkesch, Juliette Bruce, and Patricia Klein.   It is supported by the NSF (DMS-2332592).

We request that everyone who plans to attend this workshop register using registration form tab at the top of this page.  You must register by September 15 in order to be considered for funding.

This conference is in Cooperation with AWM supports the Welcoming Environment Statement of the Association for Women in Mathematics.