Remote Learning Guidelines

Remote Learning Schedule

THS Remote Learning Schedule.pdf
Remote Learning Grid

Parent Expectations

Parents, our expectations are that you ask questions. Ask the teachers questions when you have them, ask the administrators and counselors questions when you have them. We will do our best to help get you through this transition. It is a new experience for all of us, and we want to get through it together.

The best support you can give your child, is to encourage them, keep them on a schedule, and stay positive about this whole situation. Encourage them to advocate for themselves and remind them that the more they put in to their education, the more they will get out of it.

Parent TIPS

  • Understand Roles: Parents are not expected to take the place of their students’ school teachers. Instead, parents should play a support role. A good rule of thumb is to keep your children engaged and thinking critically. Even though staying home from school might feel like a holiday, remind your children that they are not on vacation.

  • Making Space for Learning: Your children will achieve their best work in a quiet, comfortable, and dedicated space devoted to learning. Ideally, this will be a different space than where they normally play games or watch television.

  • Set clear expectations: Parents should build time into their remote work day (if applicable) to assist with their students’ learning and schedule other activities they know their children will be able to do independently. Consider scheduling “office hours” when you’re available for school-related questions.

  • Show empathy: Allow yourself, your children, and their teachers some latitude and grace during these unprecedented times. Understand you are not going to have all the answers and this transition is not going to be perfect. Acknowledge this is not an ideal situation for anyone and give yourself permission to be flexible.

  • Plan your work and work your plan: Good planning can relieve stress for both children and parents. Check-in with your kids about their plans and help them develop a written schedule not only for the day, but for the week. Help them prioritize and learn to create goals, tasks, and deadlines, just like adults do when they go to work.

  • Take regular brain breaks: Make sure your children take plenty of breaks from computers in order to get time away from screens. Set alarms similar to those students would encounter at school and encourage them to get up, get some fresh air, have a snack and participate in physical activities.

  • Ask for help: Remember that you’re not alone in this journey. For parents working with multi-aged children, take a team approach and ask older siblings to help support younger students. Don’t hesitate to ask your child’s teacher for tips and guidance. Additionally, reach out to other parents to see what they’ve found effective.

  • Encourage reading: When in doubt, have your children read. When you have time, read with them. For younger readers, consider using audiobooks. If you can’t do anything else, have your children read!

Student Expectations

Students, our expectation of you is that you also ask questions. Reach out and contact your teachers. Stay engaged with your peers. Our expectation is also that you show up for your assigned zoom classes. Your attendance and involvement in the lessons is necessary. If, for some reason, you aren't able to attend a session, please reach out to your teacher ahead of time so they know. Your teachers and counselors will be checking in with you and making sure you are doing the things necessary to be successful.

The online work we do to start this year will be much different than it was during 4th quarter. There will be a lot more interaction with you and your teachers. Please take advantage of this and stay on a regulated schedule so you can be the most productive.

Student TIPS:

  • Create a space and dedicated time for learning

  • Follow the daily schedule to be your productive best. When this is not an option, check in with your teacher(s) to make arrangements for asynchronous learning.

  • Seek help when needed (teachers, guidance, principals)

  • Create balance by taking opportunities to work offline.

  • Sign into the classrooms daily- keep connected

  • Use Google Calendar to organize classes

  • Middle and High School students should check their school email at least once daily

  • Demonstrate learning with completion of assignments

  • Engage with the classroom and use tools (like headphones) to focus on instructional videos, etc.

  • Communicate with your teacher and examine feedback

  • Follow the Code of Conduct

  • Demonstrate online learning etiquette

  • Reach out to your teachers if you are overwhelmed

  • Collaborate with peers using respectful language and behaviors

  • Use equipment as outlined in the Acceptable Use Policy.

  • Wear attire acceptable for school

  • Support each other in this new way of learning

  • Be patient with yourselves and your teachers- we are all learning together!

Attendance Policy

Attendance will be taken each period. Completing your assignments will also show that you have been "attending" and keeping up on your responsibilities.

School Counseling Services

Click here to request a meeting with someone from the School Counseling office.