Mrs. Kelly's Website

Hello Kramer Families! Welcome to Mrs. Kelly's website. Please enjoy the lessons and activities. Stay safe and wash your hands!

I will update this page several times a week with new challenges...stay tuned! My email address is listed below in case you have any questions.

Special announcement:

Fifth grade students may pick up their recorders with the rest of their supplies on May 15.

Fourth grade recorders will be kept at Kramer for the next school year.

April 6-MAY 21

Please go to

You will need to create a quaver account to log in. It is s short, simple process. Grades K-1 use a new Quaver code: TNRTT. Grades 2-5 use code: 4KH9D. You will need to click on the version THAT DOES NOT USE FLASH. Once you get in, click on assignments. f you are having difficulty, here is a link to further instructions.