Apply TTA booth

Please note "word file" is for applicants to complete the entire application in advance. You still need to submit google form to complete your registration before 9/30.

因CES申請欄位較多,增加提供word檔案供預填使用,申請者仍須將相關資料於 9月30日前填入Google報名表單。

Video for TTA Booth Registration

Please refer to our previous teaching video first. You might find a little bit difference between CES 2021 and CES 2020, but the criteria is the same. 各位可先參考 CES 2020 TTA館報名填寫教學,CES 2021欄位雖有些微調整,但是精神一致。

CES 2021 TTA Pavilion Call For Application

In response to the COVID-19, TTA will cooperate with CTA for the deferred review. Therefore, we decided to postpone the CES 2021 TTA Pavilion application deadline to September 30th. We strongly recommend that all startup team complete the online application before July 31th to facilitate the booth planning.

因應全球新冠肺炎疫情,TTA 配合CES大會延審作業,特將CES 2021 TTA臺灣館徵案延至 2020/9/30截止,以爭取台灣團隊有更多時間完成參展審核條件!

【Application Introduction 活動介紹 】

The Consumer Technology Association announced last month it plans to go ahead with an in-person event next year in Las Vegas while addressing the challenges of the coronavirus pandemic. The CTA has outlined some of the potential steps it intends to take to keep attendees as healthy as possible at the conference, which takes place in January each year.

As the largest startup trade show in the world, there’re lots of startups compete for the CES booth in Eureka Park every year. Taiwan Tech Arena (TTA) lead a delegation of 82 startups presenting in Las Vegas, , winning over US$226 million in business opportunities and winning 13 innovation awards.

Now, TTA is calling startups for CES 2021. This will be the 4rd straight year that the TTA leads startups and has a national pavilion in CES. TTA accepts nomination of startups from local governments and relevant programs, and looks forward to having 100 startups that has best in minds in 5G & IoT, block chain, automotive, health tech, advertising, robotics, manufacturing, immersive entertainment, home & family or sports.

Let’s see what important things that TTA’s outstanding startups do to succeed before got to CES.

美國消費電子協會(CTA)持續發出聲明,將以實體活動形式規劃CES 2021,並將採取特別措施防控疫情。目前已獲許多大廠支持,期望明年順利推動CES 2021實體展會活動。

身為全球最大的新創活動展會平台,每年CES新創展區競爭都相當激烈!科技部TTA於2020年在CES 第三度領軍82家新創團隊前進國際取得70億新台幣商機,更有13家新創奪得CES Innovation Award。臺灣新創持續在國際新創生態圈屢創佳績,CES 2021將再度啟程,就由TTA作你最堅強的後盾,進軍全球市場、展現臺灣厚創新科技實力!


【Qualifications 報名資格 】

  1. Incorporated in Taiwan or Start-up Team
  2. Meet the entry criteria of CTA Eureka Park
  3. Must have official website in English version and register Crunchbase

  1. 在台完成公司設立,或尚未成立公司之新創團隊
  2. 符合CTA Eureka Park參展資格標準
  3. 需具備英文公司官網及登錄Crunchbase

【Application Period 徵案期間 】

2020/03/19 (Thu.)- 2020/09/30 (Wed.)

【Application Link 報名連結 】

【Contact 聯絡窗口 】

Alison / 03-591-2770 /

Elley / 03-591-6072 /