Our School

Our School

The present building that houses Knockbreck Primary was previously called Tain Public School when it served the whole town of Tain. However, with the influx of people into the town during the early seventies, due to the oil industry at Nigg, another school was required in the town. This then necessitated the introduction of new names hence, although the building dates to the late 1870’s, the present title of Knockbreck is only from 1977.

The interior of the school was totally refurbished in 1987/88 after a fire which destroyed the greater part of the school.

The present building consists of 4 classrooms, a shared resource area, the Rainbow Room ( Nurture), hall, kitchen, staffroom, disabled toilet, cleaner’s room and storage areas, a base for the Learning Support Teacher and a ‘Quiet Room’ which can be used when required. There is also an office, which is shared by the Head Teacher and the school secretary.

Within the school grounds there are also two demountable units which were purpose built for the school in 2008 and 2014 and currently house our P3 and P4/5 classes. The P1 and P2 classes are also housed out with the main school and are in the wooden building beside the main car park area.

The hall serves as a space for visiting specialists to work with groups of pupils, for extra curricular activities and as a dining centre. School assemblies and functions are also held in this hall. The playground adjoins two large grassed areas where sports and outdoor activities are held. There is a climbing frame, basketball net, football pitch, sand pit and picnic benches for children's use at break times. The playground and grassed areas are well fenced to ensure that the safety and security of the children is maintained at all times.