TSD Wellness SupportS

This space is for you to find someone to connect to, get resources for what you need, and see all counseling and wellness needs in one place.

If you are in crisis 

24 hours a day at 866-427-4747 or 988 (Suicide and Crisis Lifeline)

Teen Link 

https://www.crisisconnections.org/teen-link/  - 866-833-6546

If you are a student in need of anonymous support, Teen Link is open from 2-10 M-F, 6-10 Sat/Sun. No problem too big or small!

Tahoma Wellness Goal

A resilient community of students, staff, and families that value and take ownership of their own wellness and that of others. We intentionally foster student success through curriculum, relationships, activities in our schools, and partnerships within our community. 

Healthy. Strong. well. Tahoma.


22-23 Events

On Wednesday, February 15, 2023, Catherine Mutti-Driscoll, Lead ADHD and Executive Function Coach from the Hallowell-Todaro ADHD Center came to Tahoma to talk about ADHD and neuro-divergent student support. This event was hosted by Tahoma Wellness, City of Maple Valley, and the Tahoma Behavioral Health Collective. 

Teen opioid use

We wanted to inform parents about a recent increase in overdoses in King County driven largely by fentanyl found in illicit pills and powders. Here is information from Public Health so you are aware of the danger and have information to discuss with your student:

What is Fentanyl?

Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid used medially for severe pain and during surgery. It is a prescription drug and is 50-100 times stronger than morphine that is highly addictive. In King County, fentanyl is most commonly seen in blue, greenish, or pale colored counterfeit pills. There may be other colors. These pills may be marked as “M30” and sometimes as “K9,” “215,” and “v48.” Fentanyl may also be in white powders.

Common signs of overdose or excessive opioid use:

What to do if you witness an overdose:

If you are worried about a teen and the potential use of opioids, here are some resources:

Treatment works

Many different treatment options are available across King County, including medications to treat opioid use disorder. Visit the Washington Recovery Help Line www.WArecoveryhelpline.org or call 1-866-789-7511.  

Opioid Prevention and Response - King County

Don't Hang on to Meds - King County

Safe Storage of drugs and alcohol at home

Suicide Prevention Resources

Community Resources

LGBTQ Resources

Gun Safety

Choose Hope movement

A smile, a kind word, a selfless act...let’s show our community how we are spreading the message that Kindness Connects and we are each here on and for a purpose everyday! 
