The Tahoma Experience

What makes Tahoma... Tahoma?

The Tahoma School District is a vibrant learning organization, deeply rooted in relationships, collaboration, and excellence. Every student deserves a relevant, integrative, engaging, challenging and exploratory learning experience that prepares them to create a viable and valued path to lifelong success.

In 2013, we co-designed our Future Ready Skills with stakeholders, providing a framework for student learning that transcends the schoolhouse and positively impacts our broader community. Throughout our first century under the Tahoma moniker, the graduation pathways we've prepared students for has significantly expanded. Those offerings will continue to evolve to meet the high-demand, high-skill, high-paying careers of the modern job market.

The work of realizing this vision continues today as we embark on our Tahoma 100 journey together.

Future Ready Students

Tahoma's Future Ready Skills address the attitudes and abilities essential to a student's lifelong success. These skills give teachers and students an important focus beyond academic curriculum and content.

Throughout the Tahoma 100 process, we need YOU to help us evaluate these skills and decide how to best incorporate them into our curriculum and student experiences so that all Tahoma graduates are Future Ready.

Tahoma's Future Ready Skills are: Collaborative Teammate, Community Contributor, Conscientious Worker, Creative Innovator, Effective Communicator, Quality Producer, Responsible Decision-Maker, Self-Directed Learner and Strategic Problem-Solver.

Pathways & Supports

As we envision our future together, what programs and pathways will position our students for success and a wide variety of options as they navigate a complex, ever-changing world?

We believe the answer lies in our Tahoma CARES goals, which were adopted in 2020 through the input of thousands of Tahoma stakeholders. We'll turn to Tahoma CARES as we consider our programming and graduation pathways, and we'll challenge ourselves to meet these goals as we identify both strengths and gaps in our offerings.

The Tahoma CARES goals are: High Expectations, Climate and Culture, Partnerships, Equity and Wellness.

Learn more about Tahoma CARES at:

In the Tahoma School District, our vision is to provide quality education every day, in every classroom, for every child. With your partnership, we can move closer toward realizing that vision and removing barriers so that each student can cultivate an individual, viable path for life and career success.