High School Summer Learning

Summer enrichment activities support learning in many ways. We hope you take advantage of some of the ideas below.

Numerade Online Summer STEM Camps-Improve your grades by preparing for STEM-related school courses you’ll be taking this upcoming fall. (SAT, PreCalculus, Calculus 1-3, Physics 101-103, Chemistry 101-102)

Supporting Self-Directed Learning at Home

Practicing the Future Ready Skill of Self-Directed Learning can help students determine and explore learning topics and activities that reflect their unique passions, goals, and interests. The Self-Directed Learning Reflection for secondary students provides criteria and guidance for self-directed learning. In addition, this Ready-Set-Go! Conversation Guide can be used by families to talk about how self-directed learning is an important skill to develop and practice.

General Learning

TED-Ed: Lessons Worth Sharing--Choose your own adventure in learning. These interesting lessons cover everything from "Why do people fear the wrong things?" to "Vultures: The acid-puking, plague-busting heroes of the ecosystem."

Applied Digital Skills --Enhance your digital skills by exploring and completing some of the lessons Google for Education has created for middle and high school students. Use your GoTahoma account to sign in. Lessons include writing an if-then adventure story, creating a resume, organizing your files in Drive, etc.

Story Corps--Listen (and watch in some cases) to these compelling stories. Then, consider making your own using the StoryCorps App.

Additional Resources: Sort by Grade or Content