
Welcome to the 2019/20 school year at Taft School! My name is Keri Dyer and I am the social worker here at Taft. This is my 14th year being a social worker and being at Taft. The requirements of my job are to service students in Special Education who have social work minutes in their IEP, provide interventions to students who are in need of social/emotional assistance, conduct groups within the classrooms if there is a specific need that should be addressed, provide community resources to our families, collaborate with other staff members to assist students in need, and conduct social/emotional evaluations as part of Special Education case studies. Also, there are many times throughout the school year in which students may have a certain situation occurring with them and will utilize my service (Ex: a loved one passed away, a major change within the home, a disagreement with a friend, etc.). All of my conversations with students are confidential. I also serve as the liaison in the district for those families who are experiencing homelessness. Please contact me if you need anything! 815-838-0408, ext. 3000.